Airsoft targets provide you with the opportunity to target practice at home. There are even systems that help you speed up your aiming and shooting skills. We’ve got some very interesting airsoft targets at the ready for you. Some for serious training, others just for great fun. Read more
An airsoft target is usually sold to extend your active airsoft activities beyond the airsoft field. Just low-key fun target practice to up your shooting skills a bit. Airsoft targets are ideal to help you get the best accuracy out of your airsoft replica. You can take your time to work on your shooting skills like stance, hold and aim, without BB’s of an opposed team flying round your ears. It gives you the time to focus on what works and what can be done better.
An airsoft target is also perfect for those who like to work on their airsoft replica’s. With an airsoft target you can easily check if those fancy parts and your technical skills really did work the wonders of accuracy you expected them to. And of course, an airsoft target is perfect to set up your hop-up with too.
Which airsoft targets are there?
An airsoft target naturally needs to offer something more than a couple of tin cans on a fence. Our airsoft targets do just that. For example: they’re virtually indestructible. They can cake hit after hit and will do so for a very, very long time. They’re airsoft replica proof so to say. You’ll enjoy one for years, just take your pick:
Falling airsoft targets – Our most basic airsoft targets are made from light, but robust thick aluminium. Place them where you want, shoot them down and do it again. They’ll last a lifetime.
Airsoft targets with spinners – These robust targets feature paddles that’ll move vigorously when hit and you’ll hear a clear ‘pling’. The advantage of these particular airsoft target is that you don’t have to reset them manually. After a hit, they’ll swing back to their original position.
Interactive airsoft targets – The most advanced airsoft targets are our interactive airsoft targets. You’ll be shooting spring backed paddles with a microswitch that will register the hit and by means of Bluetooth display it in an app on your smartphone or tablet. You can see how many hits you have in a certain amount of time and you can even play against others worldwide.
Buying an airsoft target
You’re very welcome to have a look in our store and see which airsoft targets we’ve got on offer. Our airsoft experts will gladly answer any of your questions and if you’re shopping online in our webshop, our customer service team will gladly answer your questions by phone, chat or e-mail.