Sometimes a pocket knife just doesn’t fit into the standard categories. An EDC knife needs to be light and compact to want to have it with you all day, every day. And A Swiss Army knife can do a lot of things, but ergonomically, they’re not quite there, wouldn’t you agree? Especially for pocket knives that don’t fit into these categories, we’ve got the category ‘Other pocket knives’. It sounds a bit denigrating, but know that some of our best knives are here! Real beauties of craft and design.
It’s nice and all, those pockets knives you carry with you everywhere and the ones that carry lots of implements, but if you’re going outdoors, you’ll need something a bit more substantial. A pocket knife with a large and chunky blade and comfortable handle, that doesn’t budge when you’re attacking some wood to make a tripod for example.
These large pocket knives are the perfect solution for those who find a fixed blade knife a bit too much or just don’t have the space to carry one. We do suggest -if you want a folding knife to use outdoors- to go for a knife with a locking blade. Simply because an outdoor knife tends to get more abuse and it’s just nice to know it won’t suddenly fold back on your fingers when you’re going all Rambo on a piece of wood.
Sometimes, swinging open a large and impressive looking blade, just isn’t the most sensible thing to do. In the office for instance, or other places in an urban area. What you need there, is a subtle gentlemen’s knife. We say gentlemen’s knife, as they’re called just that, but a knife like that will suit every lady too of course. Anyway, a gentlemen’s knife is sleek, non-intrusive and extra attention is paid to a stylish design. Often, really nice materials are used too, such as exotic metals or beautiful natural materials as walnut.