To transport your airsoft replica legally, most countries dictate that they should be transported out of immediate reach. And the fact that the replica is hidden from sight, naturally isn’t a bad thing either. With an airsoft gun case, whether it’s an airsoft hard case or an airsoft gun bag, you comply to the rules (but please check legislation in your own country). But that’s just one of the reasons why an airsoft gun case is such a good idea.
The other reason is, of course, protection against damage during transport. An airsoft gun case can be available as an airsoft hard case, where the hard exterior will offer protection if you drop or bump the case. It will also protect your replica when the case is laying underneath other luggage or when something is dropped on it. The hard outside will take most of the impact and spreads the force, which will then be absorbed by the soft foam padding. An airsoft gun bag doesn’t have a hard exterior, but it will offer a good level of protection and many love them for being very lightweight and practical.
Well, we only sell quality airsoft gun cases, so you really can’t go wrong. Just pick the one that meets your requirements best, it’s as simple as that. Below some advice on what to think of.
The most important thing to take in consideration when buying an airsoft gun case is the size. Your replica must fit perfectly. When buying an airsoft hard case, make sure there’s plenty of space around the replica, so impact from the sides can be absorbed by the foam. An airsoft gun bag on the other hand, shouldn’t be too spacious as it’s no good to have the replica sliding about.
We’ve got airsoft rifle cases and airsoft pistol cases and both are available in single replica and multiple replica variants. When you’re going for the latter, please take care to keep ample space between the replicas to prevent chafing. This also goes for extra magazines or other things that you might want to put into the airsoft gun case.
Another thing to consider are the carrying options. Most airsoft gun cases feature a robust carrying handle. This goes for all airsoft pistol cases and most airsoft rifle cases, although some of the latter come with wheels and a retractable handle for convenience on longer distances of carrying. In addition, it’s good to know many airsoft gun cases have holes through which a padlock can be hung, while others even feature a built-in number lock. It’s a comforting thought when not everybody has access to the case, right?
We’ve got lots of airsoft gun cases in our store and in our webshop. If you come to our store to buy a case, it’s advisable to take your replica with you to check for a good fit. Are you buying in our webshop, please have a good look at the internal dimensions which we always mention in the specifications.