Whoever is looking to buy a Swiss Army knife, will get an extremely versatile tool with lots of purposes. Depending which Swiss Army knife you’ll buy, the tools -or implements as you wish- can vary. Besides -of course- the blade, normally a can opener, bottle opener, flat screwdriver and corkscrew are pretty much standard equipment.
Often featured are an awl, saw, scissors, Phillips screwdriver, hook, pincers and a toothpick. But there are also Swiss Army knives with a built-in flashlight, file, pair of pliers, pen, bit set, et cetera. Many tools are available, often with combined functions. There’s even a world record holding Swiss Army knife with 87 tools and 141 official functions! Although we wouldn’t call that one a pocket knife any more.
Okay, bar that last one, a Swiss Army knife is the most practical tool ever invented and as said, there are many variations. Often, the featured tools are chosen to suit a predetermined purpose. For example, there are Swiss Army knives for hunters, campers, climbers and they even make them for children. Aside from different tools, Swiss Army knives also vary widely in size, both thickness (of course) and length.
The tools or implements that are used most by customers that have bought a Swiss Army knife at our store are:
What makes a Swiss Army knife so extremely usable and fun, is the fact improper use of one simply doesn´t exist. We dare even say Swiss Army knives are made for exactly that: improper use. Of course you can open a letter, fix a screw and open a bottle and don’t forget that little hook everybody is always wondering about. That one is very useful as a parcel hook, lifting heavy parcels on their ropes that would otherwise cut into your fingers. Same goes for hay bales, to name something different. It’s known even threes are felled with a Swiss Army knife by very patient people and did you know by putting a battery and some wire wool between two tools of an Swiss Army knife, you can actually start a fire? The possibilities of a Swiss Army knife are just as endless as the ingenuity of the person using it.